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Přijďte si někdy zahrát FW3 po síti

Po delší době jsme s pár kamarády rozhodli oprášit fakt, že FW3 jde hrát i po síti Kdybyste se chtěli někdy přidat, připojte se k nám na discord

Rubriky: Nezařazené | Napsat komentář

Final War 3 discord invite update

Recently I realized, that the Discord invite expired, so here is an updated one Updated again 28.11.2020 Final War 3 Discord

Rubriky: Nezařazené | 2 komentáře

Final War Discord

In last few months I got used to using Discord as a platform for chat about many topics. I think it might be a good idea to create a FW3 Discord server to talk about any topic related to the … Celý příspěvek

Rubriky: Nezařazené | 2 komentáře

Final War 3 – Star Trek mod update 0.79

I added a new scenario – Fleet operations. Here you would have to make use of the strategical panel (F5) and fleet orders (follow, engage, repair etc.) You have three strategical targets to destroy in this mission and you have … Celý příspěvek

Rubriky: Nezařazené | Napsat komentář

Final War 3 – Star Trek mod update 0.78

I added random tilled backgrounds which will be randomly chosen in roughly 30% of the battles. Other major change is related to scenarios – there is now “version 2″ which allows parallel goals definition and activation/deactivation of defined goals on … Celý příspěvek

Rubriky: Nezařazené | Napsat komentář

Final War 3 – Star Trek mod update 0.77

Some small changes – it is now possible to issue REPAIR order. In case, that a shipyards with repair ability is on the map, the ordered ships will head towards it and return once repaired. This can be particulary useful … Celý příspěvek

Rubriky: Nezařazené | 2 komentáře

Final War 3 – Star Trek mod update 0.76

Patch with several big changes – Lukas, who is helping me with the game for a long time, prepared tutorial scenario, which will help new players to learn the game :-). Secondly I prepared a “fleet control panel” accessible via … Celý příspěvek

Rubriky: Nezařazené | Napsat komentář

Final War 3 – Star Trek mod update 0.75

Today just a data patch (so no changes in code). I added some ships, some variants of ships, some new textures – see patchnotes. BTW As a lot of players might not be aware – some ships have variants. If … Celý příspěvek

Rubriky: Nezařazené | Napsat komentář

Final War 3 – Star Trek mod update 0.74

v0.74 I realized on of previous AI adjustments made Nemesis scenario unplayable, because allied ships did not react properly when Scimitar is briefly visible. And thus spent most of the time spread thin across large area and not fighting. I … Celý příspěvek

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Final War 3 – Star Trek mod update 0.72

v0.72 This time I added some new ships – Borg sphere, Prometheus, New Orleans. Nebula variant with sensor pod, Ferengi marauder. I also increased the size of Borg cube to be more realistic and added some more effect on the … Celý příspěvek

Rubriky: Nezařazené | 2 komentáře