Přijďte si někdy zahrát FW3 po síti

Po delší době jsme s pár kamarády rozhodli oprášit fakt, že FW3 jde hrát i po síti :) Kdybyste se chtěli někdy přidat, připojte se k nám na discord


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Final War 3 discord invite update

Recently I realized, that the Discord invite expired, so here is an updated one :-)

Updated again 28.11.2020 :)

Final War 3 Discord


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Final War Discord

In last few months I got used to using Discord as a platform for chat about many topics. I think it might be a good idea to create a FW3 Discord server to talk about any topic related to the game :) (in addition to existing IRC channel and phpBB forum)

So I invite you to join : Final War 3 Discord


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Final War 3 – Star Trek mod update 0.79

I added a new scenario – Fleet operations. Here you would have to make use of the strategical panel (F5) and fleet orders (follow, engage, repair etc.) You have three strategical targets to destroy in this mission and you have to control your fleet in order to succeed.


I was also given permission by artist https://www.deviantart.com/unusualsuspex/ to use his artwork ingame, so I was able to add some more stations and more will follow. With more and more stations, I decided to move Federation stations to separate faction “Federation base operations”. So that the stations are not mixed with regular starships, as they will mostly be used just in scenarios.

Then I also polished a bit the old Klingon HUD and I set it as default for Klingon ships. But don’t worry, if you won’t like it, you can still override the HUD setting for all ships in options.




  • HUD – klingon HUD
  • HUD – override in OPTIONS (you can select HUD to be used independent on ship settings)
  • few additional stations (Federation base operations), Danube runabout, Constellation class
  • AI TARGETING – ships reconsider targets, when more enemies appear in short time (prevents focusing on first seen ship for extended period of time)
  • SENSORS – all ships are no longer revealed when winning scenario
  • SENSORS – update visibility immediately after adding ship – prevents them being revealed for a brief moment
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Final War 3 – Star Trek mod update 0.78

I added random tilled backgrounds which will be randomly chosen in roughly 30% of the battles. Other major change is related to scenarios – there is now “version 2″ which allows parallel goals definition and activation/deactivation of defined goals on success or fail. This will allow much more complex scenarios.



  • DYNAMIC BACKGROUND – random dynamic tiled background
  • DYNAMIC BACKGROUND – scenario definition – tiledBackground attribute of scenario element in XML; if missing (default) -> no tile. Can be overriden by empty attribute -> random tile, or specific image path
  • TRACTOR – allied ships can be tractored in warp if the distance to the ship is small
  • minor chnges and fixes – when firing single shots, ship will iterate the used weapons. So it will not fire from one weapon four rounds in a row, but rather once from four weapons one after another; render symbols only if not nebula or planet (fixes the off-center render bug)) ; larger distances shown in “km”;
  • SCENARIO – support for large images; empty battery does not prevent lowering shields for repairs;
  • COLLISION EFFECTS – added RepairArmor, RechargeShields, AmbientDamageSizeRelative
  • SCENARIO – version 2 – parallel goals, lists of goals to activate or deactivate on success or fail, detail description of goal, hidden flag
  • STRATEGIC MAP – available on key 9
  • PROJECTILE WEAPONS – lifeSpan for projectiles is 1/4 higher than value used for checking range. Therefor projectiles will fly 1/4 further. Thus preventing tactic with running ship firing backwards. Now the ship is either out of range, or the pursuing ship projectiles will hit as well
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Final War 3 – Star Trek mod update 0.77

Some small changes – it is now possible to issue REPAIR order. In case, that a shipyards with repair ability is on the map, the ordered ships will head towards it and return once repaired. This can be particulary useful in battles like “Sector” with the Borg cube :) In addition, ships with FOLLOW order now travel in formation.




  • FLEET CONTROL – repair order
  • FLEET CONTROL – follow – ships fly in formation
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Final War 3 – Star Trek mod update 0.76

Patch with several big changes – Lukas, who is helping me with the game for a long time, prepared tutorial scenario, which will help new players to learn the game :-).


Secondly I prepared a “fleet control panel” accessible via F5, where you can have limited control over allied ships. But first you need to take command of the fleet by pressing the “flagship” button. Then you can give orders to hold, engage, follow, guard or retreat. More orders will follow later.

Lastly – it is now possible to modify subsystems for ships in scenario.

I also prepared new link for download, so that new players do not have to download version 0.64 and then a lot of patches.


  • Tutorial scenario :)
  • possibility to take control of allied ship and give them orders – FOLLOW, GUARD, HOLD, ENGAGE, RETREAT
  • SCENARIO – possibility to modifyObjectSystem by <modifyObjectSystem name=”inactive Borg sphere” type=”weapons” group=”1″ id=”3″ state=”30″ disableRepairs=”true”/>
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Final War 3 – Star Trek mod update 0.75

Today just a data patch (so no changes in code). I added some ships, some variants of ships, some new textures – see patchnotes.
BTW As a lot of players might not be aware – some ships have variants. If you hold CTRL when clicking on a ship in lobby, you will enter a submenu and you can choose among variants of the ship class.
But most importantly new scenario – one of the most hectic battles in Federation history, which was never shown on screen :)




  • Data changes only
  • new San Francisco scenario
  • COST rebalancing – Defiant, Miranda, JH fighter increased by 10%; B’Rel, Hideki decreased by 10%
  • TEXTURE changes – B’Rel, Warbird (+ enlarged), Galaxy, Vor’Cha
  • NEW SHIPS – Keldon variants, Centaur
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Final War 3 – Star Trek mod update 0.74


I realized on of previous AI adjustments made Nemesis scenario unplayable, because allied ships did not react properly when Scimitar is briefly visible. And thus spent most of the time spread thin across large area and not fighting.

I am now also experimenting with different beam visual effects, so I replaced some of the textures and made some beams wider. Particulary polaron beam looks better I think.


In scenario it is now possible to destroy a ship (hull=0) and give orders to ships.


  • Better repair rates for smaller ships.
  • Percentage values on HUD.
  • IRC chat reachable from lobby.
  • Message in a bottle scenario :)


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Final War 3 – Star Trek mod update 0.72


This time I added some new ships – Borg sphere, Prometheus, New Orleans. Nebula variant with sensor pod, Ferengi marauder. I also increased the size of Borg cube to be more realistic and added some more effect on the cube destruction :)

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